Saturday, January 2, 2016

Treatments For Coeliac

Coeliac disease, also spelled celiac, is an autoimmune disease that affects the small intestine.

A reaction to protein found in wheat products causes the intestine to flatten so that nutrients are unable to be absorbed. Although health experts believe the disease is not that widespread, it is hard to identify because the symptoms vary widely. As well, this is one disease that doesn't involve a lot of treatments.

The only treatment that is available is to adhere to a diet of gluten free foods.

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Myths And Misconceptions About Coeliac or Celiac Disease

Celiac, or coeliac, disease is perhaps one of the most misunderstood of all autoimmune diseases. This is partly due to the mixed up symptoms it shows and partly because of the lack of awareness.

It's only after people are diagnosed with this disorder that they start to look up various things on the internet or through discussions with professionals to learn more about this disease.

Until then, it is all hearsay. Most people think of it as a food intolerance problem, while others surmise it has something to do with irritable bowel syndrome. Both assumptions are wrong. It is important to note that this is a disease that attacks the small intestine and can only be controlled by eating gluten free products.